
My Bucket List

* Wear a Bikini and look hot in it
* Do a Triathlon
* Run half Marathon
* Run Marathon
* Wear shorty shorts the the GYM
* Buy Jeans at the Buckle
* Find a Husband
* Pay off all my debt
* Go back to School
* Have Children
* Learn to drive a stick shift
* Be at least a decent snowboarder
* Travel to Greece, Egypt, and Jerusalem
* Sing in front of a crowd of 1000 or more
* Put my lyrics to music
* Ride in a hot air balloon
* Swim with Dolphins
* Hike the Grand Canyon
* Be in Times Square on New Years
* Take an Art class- Learn to draw
* Volunteer at a homeless shelter
* Keep motivating myself and others
* Go to The Oprah Show
* Go skinny dipping
* Go on a spontaneous foreign vacation
* Sit on a Jury
* Grow a garden
* Pet a Tiger
* Adopt a child
* Learn to be a good cook
* Stay a night a an expensive hotel
* Mountain Bike in Moab
* Go rock climbing

More to come later I am positive....