
Head over heels... literally

The Cookie Story

There are certain in things in life that you are attracted to. For instance iI always seem to look at the clock at exactly 4:21 everyday.or it is no fail that if I have a lot on the brain and just am trying to do too much I will always lock my keys in the car. There are just those things in life that happen to me and will continue to happen to me because that is who I am. Well another one to add to the list is falling down the stairs while carrying food. Usually it is a cookie, but not always. So that is where this story is going... The other morning I spent the night at Jacque's house and woke up grabbed a delicious cookie she had whipped up the night before and headed out the door to her car so she could drive me around to my car. Well it had been raining the night before and as I was walking down the metal stairs ouside and I said out loud.. Oh crap I better be careful I am going to fall. Cause I was just wearing flip flops. Well not ever 2 second after that my feet fly up in the air and I land on my back on the edge of the metal stairs.. my left elbow hits on stair, my head hits another, and my right hand hits then I slide the rest of the way down.. haha it was quite the scene I am sure and Jacque turns around and said "I didnt even have to see that.. I heard that! " I was soo proud because I fought back the tears and just kept laughing,.. I was actually a lucky girl because I had my scissors and clippers in one hand and the cookie in another. And the only casualty was the cookie that fell to the bottom floor. I would say that was lucky, but I was pretty bummed about that cookie. Here's some show and tell for ya..

1 comment:

  1. Actually the fall was fate. You are destined to exercise your rear off and stop eating cookies. Every time you try to indulge in those despicable treats something bad will happen. Abstinence is your only defense....
